Mill Creek Community Historical Society
A virtual society that is helping to capture the history of the Mill Creek Community using 21st century technologies.
Becoming a part of this project is appropriate for individuals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, etc.
What makes this project unique is that people can work on it from just about anywhere. You don't need a computer, you don't need computer skills, you don't even need to know how to type, all you really need is an interest and willingness to carry a project to completion.
For example, a family might decide that one evening a week to turn off the TV and work together on enhancing their's and thus the entire communities knowledge about a person, place or thing that is a part of the Mill Creek Community history. It could be there own family, a neighbor, a church, an organization, a town, a cemetery, or a place that was once significant to the Mill Creek Community but no longer exists - you decide.
The only requirements are:
- Identify the project you are going to commit to completing.
- Contact the project master planner and share with them a brief description of your project, when you intend to have your project completed, and any special resources you believe you may need (photo restoration, writing assistance, etc.)
- Then get busy.
You'll begin by doing research. Hey this isn't like "school work," this is fun. You will be snooping through old boxes, interviewing people, visiting libraries, searching the Internet, and trekking to the actual location of your project's roots. Apply wisdom: During research you are going to uncover all sorts of things that aren't really related to your defined project. While such discoveries can be fun, if you aren't careful you may find yourself working on a completely different project. Or, and this is something you really need to guard against, is you will expand the scope of your original project to include these new discoveries. in order to stay on track. When you find these treasures, make notes about where you found them and place your notes in a box as a future project.
Next you'll need to organize and prioritize all your research findings. Apply wisdom: Okay, now we are getting into the hard part. You've gathered those piles of project information and it's probably way more than you can really use. You are going to have to decide what is really important and absolutely must be included, what would be nice to include, and what seemed worthy of collecting at the time but doesn't really belong in your project. That doesn't mean you throw stuff away. In fact what might be information that is not really appropriate to your project may be core material for someone else's project. Start putting your unused stuff in another box.
- Keep in mind that your project is to document a piece of Mill Creek Community's history. In other words, you're going to be developing an encyclopedia entry about a person, place or thing that is directly associated with the Mill Creek Community. Apply wisdom: Ah, the key point here is that when you begin to document your project that you will need to follow the style of encyclopedia entries - think factual.
- Here are some helpful Wikipedia tutorial links:
© Copyright 2007 Mill Creek Community Historical Society
All Rights Reserved.This site uses free web templates from Steve Morris